Electronic diaries and class registers
Our portal provides Ukrainian educational institutions with the opportunity to make a confident step forward by starting to use a modern service of electronic diaries and class registers.
If your school or gymnasium is already connected to the system (for example, hosted a site on the platform then start using electronic service is very simple. The "help" section will help you with this.
If your school is not using the service yet, leave the request on the page
"Connect the school"
The service is used to process and provide information about student achievement, as well as related information in a convenient electronic form.
Achievement information includes :
Information is provided in different forms:

There are 5 main types of website users(headmaster, administration, teacher, student, parents). Each of them has a specific set of rights and has an appropriate level of access to information.
In addition for educational institution it is possible to host a modern site,containing a large set of functional sections with the ability to create additional text pages.
- Exceptional functionality. Possibility to customize many aspects of work. All is available in the demo version for review.
- Appearance: all school papers (class register, diary etc.)look similar like paper prototypes, but with a modern improvement.
- The fastest system speed: thousandths of a second to process a request.
The website of the institution and the system of electronic registration of success are interrelated and integrated with each other. Using the capabilities of the service, the educational institution gets a powerful web tool to automate the learning process..

The class register is created for each class for each subject. Access is for subject teachers, class teacher, director.
The class register is unavailable for parents and students.
With a help of a class register in 2 clicks teachers can:
- put marks,
- mark absent students,
- write comments on marks and spaces, leave comments on lessons (for example, «test»),
- add homework.
For each subject the number of omissions and average grade for a quarter is calculated.
Based on the data entered by teachers in the class registers, for each student its electronic diary is formed.
It shows in the diary everything, that teachers have entered in the class register (grades,omissions, comments etc.), also the behavior and comments for every week.
Parents have the opportunity to sign their child's diary.Student's parents have the access to all the data of their children only.
For each student there is a summary table of all marks received for a quarter of all subjects. The table also contains all the gaps, GPA score and the quarter mark for each subject.
when you hover the mouse over the cell with a grade, additional information about it appears: by whom and when the grade was given, as well as the teacher's comment.
The perfomance table is available to both teachers, parents and students. In this way,it is easy and convenient to track the progress of each student within a quarter.
For each student and each class the achievement statistics is available in graphic form.
It is possible to look through the achievement charts inside the selected quarter, also to compare academic performance in all quarters of the school year.
In addition you can see the statistics for selected subjects and/or for certain students.
Available graphic achievement rankings among classes.
Other possibilities
There are also many other possibilities, including:
- students and teachers timetable;
- school bells schedule, quarters and holidays;
- personal pages of each user;
- communication within the school.
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